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Crowdfunding campaign

What will happen if the total sum of 1.000.000€ is not reached?

Technically and unlike other crowdfunding platforms, HelloAsso pays back the whole sum, whether the funding objective is reached or not.

Nevertheless, in the case of our project not being successful, we make herewith a commitment to all our donors to inform them about the situation and to offer them two options:

  • Either to reimburse his/her donation (and the one corresponding to the tax if this option has been used)
  • Or the transfer of his/her donation to the endowment fund financing the project of associative cinema as presented for the movie theater La Clef.

How long will the campaign last?

First, the campaign will stop on january 21st, 2021. We will then gather all volunteers and members to think about the pursue of the collect. It will be possible to extend the deadline. Justice has given us six months from the visit of the court bailiff to find a long-term solution for La Clef (and he hasn’t come yet).

What is the best moment to donate?

We know that there is a lot of you who wants to donate but hasn’t done it yet. It is important to donate now! The aim is to reach 10% before mi-December, so we can canvass on a wider scale and start looking for sponsorship for the rest of the funding. With 100.000€, we will look more steady!

I can’t send money through the platform HelloAsso, how do I proceed?

Some banks have shown technical problems for payments via HelloAsso. In this case, you can:

  • proceed to make a bank transfer directly to Cinéma Revival association (ask for IBAN at contact@cinemarevival.fr) or by the postal address : CINÉMA REVIVAL – 8 rue du Goulet – 93300 Aubervilliers – France.

In these cases, we need your first and family name, postal address and e-mail. You can notify us if you wish to remain anonymous and/or if you wish to have the amount of your donation appearing in the campaign.

Your donation will be added to the campaign online and will appear in the total sum collected.

Why HelloAsso?

Unlike other platforms, HelloAsso is an associative and free website which is most coherent with our project. HelloAsso does not charge or take any percentage on the collected funds, unlike other well-known platforms that take up to 10%. HelloAsso enables you to give money directly to them and it is not mandatory. Moreover, this site does not require us to reach the expected amount: if we don’t collect 1.000.000€ we can still get the money for the project.


Do donors become owners of the place?

No, donors bring financial donations, which will allow the endowment fund to position itself in order to buy the walls of the movie theater La Clef (see next question for further explanations).

To get involved in the project, you can join the Home Cinema volunteer team and welcome the audience, program and screen movies with us.

Why not choose a system in which donors become owners of the place (for example a SCI or a SCOOP?

The SCI (Société Civile immobilière in France) was initially thought of as a way of saving La Clef but it did not go far enough to satisfy our search for independence and collectivity. We wish to do everything in our power to get La Clef out of the real estate market and to find an alternative way for a private asset to be managed by several groups or individuals who would be the owners.

Thanks to the endowment fund, there are no more individuals or groups of owners. Administrators of the funds are not owners and exist only for the good management of the funds and for the respect of its status:

“preserve and develop associative, independent, open-to-everyone and non-lucrative cinemas”.

If the endowment fund collects the hoped-for amount, it will put La Clef at the disposal of the association Home Cinema, which would itself independently manage it while respecting the status of Cinema Revival (the endowment fund). If the association Home Cinema were to disappear, the endowment fund would have to establish a new association with the same purpose.

For more information, several collective farms, “ZAD” (Area to Defend) all over France have chosen this operative mode in order to have total freedom and rethink the idea of property.

We get inspiration from “La Foncière Antidote”, for example.

When we say that La Clef has to belong to everyone, this does not concern the ownership of its walls, but its open way of operating. It is the people involved in La Clef that contribute to the decision-making process, not the people giving money. We invite you to become an active member of the association Home Cinema and to take part in the meetings we shall be holding to plan the organization, reception, programming of the cinema… so that La Clef can become the common property we all dream of.

In what way can La Clef can become a common property?

La Clef is supposed to be open to everyone, everyone can watch a movie and everyone can get involved in the management of the place by becoming a volunteer. Programming the cinema is not dependent on anything but our movie buff hearts 🙂

How can I get involved in this project?

By contributing to the crowdfunding, by coming to the free price screenings or by becoming a volunteer.

Will prices and programming change after the cinema has been bought?

No, screenings will stay at a free price, with drinks at fixed but affordable prices.

What is free pricing ?

Free pricing is a social, cultural and political approach. It is different from « totally free » of « fixed price ». Free pricing makes the screenings and evening affordable to anyone. Vector for solidarity, the free pricing policy allows for each one of us to give according to its own means, with the donations from the wealthiest helping the more fragile to have access to the screenings.