Mission to March

Thanks to all of you. Our crowdfunding to save La Clef raised today €357,000.

But we still need time to complete the purchase, and obtained a 5-month extension!

Dear public, dear donors,

The sale’s agreement promise we signed in April with the owner of the cinema La Clef is now reaching its deadline.
Thanks to you and to many other donors, we’re well on the way to reach the target we set six months ago: nearly one and a half million euros in donations, half the amount needed to purchase the building.

Once again, a huge thank you for your generosity and your kind words of encouragement!

Unfortunately, due to the rise in interest rates, banks have stepped down the loan offers on which our financial plan was based on. We have had to revise our borrowing forecasts downwards and find alternatives: this is why we have asked the owner to extend the duration of our agreement with the building’s current owner by five months, which was officially accepted this morning.

With the strength of your support, we will continue to do our utmost to complete the purchase of La Clef within this new timeframe!

We have no shortage of determination or ideas – witness the energy the collective has put to prepare the exhibition Tout doit disparaître, where we hope to see many of you this weekend!

Five more months is no mean feat, as we’re all eager to get back to the walls, the seats and the joys of La Clef – but it’s well worth it, so that, once reopened, the cinema’s doors can never close again!

the collectif La Clef Revival,
not yet out of the race