US donors
Film independent fiscal sponsorship
If you live in the United States and wish to make a donation to support our cause to buy and preserve La Clef cinema, we have set up a fiscal sponsorship with Film Independent. It will allow you to deduct your contribution from your taxes!
Film Independent is a non profit organization that works to diversify the film industry, offering screenings, conversations and workshops to artists and audiences who embody inclusion and curiosity. Their fiscal sponsorship program opens the door to funding for independent filmmakers and community-building initiatives such as La Clef Revival.
For donations over $10,000 please write to us directly at
Non-US donors
To help us preserve La Clef cinema, you can make a donation directly via our Hello Asso crowdfunding campaign.
If you are a French tax resident, you are eligibile to a tax reduction of 66% of the amount you donate (60% if you make a donation through a company).
If you are a EU tax resident and wish to make a tax-deductible donation, please write to us at our endowment fund is part of the Transnational Giving Europe network, which grants income tax deductibility to donors wanting to support a beneficiary in another Member State.
An english translation of the Hello Asso text (dated before June 2024)